The NBA Family pours love for legend Michael Jordan on his 60th birthday


Michael Jordan, Basketball Hall of Famer and arguably the greatest player who ever graced the sport turned 60 years of age this Friday. The former Chicago star received love and admiration all throughout social media, remembered by the fans from all over the world.

Just a day before he turned 60, the legend was on the news for donating the single-largest amount of money to Make-A-Wish, a life-changing organization that helps grant the wishes of critically ill children. The six-time NBA champion donated $10 million in honor of his birthday.

“For the past 34 years, it’s been an honor to partner with Make-A-Wish and help bring a smile and happiness to so many kids,”he said in press conference. “Witnessing their strength and resilience during such a tough time in their lives has truly been an inspiration.”

Jordan was recognized especially by the teams, players and organizations he defended on court during his stellar career, including the Chicago Bulls, Washington Wizards, Charlotte Hornets, and where it all started at the University of North Carolina.

His years playing for the Men’s USA Basketball also deserved admiration, as the organization celebrated in his name.

Many other accounts wished the athlete a happy birthday and highlighted his many achievements, including six NBA championships, six NBA Finals MVP Awards, five NBA MVP Awards and 10 scoring titles.

The league’s organization for example prepared a special video of Jordan’s best 60 plays during his 15 years as a professional basketball player:

Michael Jordan’s Top 60 Career Plays

The GOAT debate: Is Michael the best?

Is he the greatest of all time? This debate is constantly brought up in every sport, even though it is hard to argue against Jordan’s status as the best in the game of basketball. Many names deserve a chance in the conversation, however nobody dominated the league like Jordan, going a perfect 6-0 in the NBA Finals and awarded MVP each time.

Nowadays, LeBron James is a great contender for the GOAT, because he has played at the top of the sport for 20 years already, something that not even MJ was able to do. Now that he set the NBA’s all-time scoring record, many believe him so. Players such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kobe Bryant, Wilt Chamberlain, and Bill Russell are among other contenders for the title.

The press didn’t fail to honour the legend, as they produced content all day to celebrate Michael Jordan. ESPN, for example, dedicated whole segments of their shows to praise the 60 year old’s career. Check out Stephen A. Smith and Tim Legler demonstrating how inspiring the athlete was for them during an episode of “First Take”:

Happy 60th Birthday to Michael Jordan 🥳 Stephen A. & Tim Legler reflect on his career | First Take

Bleacher Report said it all remembering each and every one of the trophies he collected over the years:

One of his most impressive feats, was when he paused his basketball career for almost two years in order to follow his dream of playing baseball. Other accomplishments outside of the court is what a global icon he became in the 90s, as he is arguably the most recognizable and popular athlete of all time not only in the United States, but across the world.

He was able to transcend the sport he excelled in and created his own brand, taking Nike to the top. Even today, his brand lives on 20 years after he retired from basketball.