Most Popular Basketball Shoes Worn By NBA Players In 2023-24

The beautiful part about the NBA is there are so many aspects to love. You can love the narratives, the trades, the tactics, the player growth, the crazy highlights, etc.
You can also enjoy a facet of the game that doesn’t even have anything to do with the game itself – the fashion. And a big part of on-court fashion is, of course, the sneakers.
With that in mind, which basketball sneakers are the most popular among NBA players?
Where The Data Comes From
How are we going to go about answering this question? Are we going to watch every NBA game this season and track what shoes every player is wearing? Will we have to call every team to see if they track that information in-house?
Fortunately for us, neither of those things will be necessary. That’s thanks to the good people at Kix Stats. Over at their website, they track what shoes are most popular around the league and among every team. They also tell you what shoes have the most minutes played in them, the most points scored in them, the most blocks recorded in them, and so much more. And they track other leagues like the WNBA and the EuroLeague.
Anyway, enough raving about their data, let’s take a glimpse at some of their statistics.
Top NBA Sneakers
In the last 30 days, the top five sneakers worn by NBA players in order of one to five are the Nike Kobe 6s, Nike KD 16s, Nike LeBron XXs, Nike Kobe IV Protros, and the Adidas Harden Volume 7s.
The list of the sneakers in which the most points have been scored in over the last 30 days includes the same five sneakers, just in a different order. From one to five, the top five are the Nike Kobe 6s, Nike KD 16s, Nike LeBron XXs, Adidas Harden Volume 7s, and the Nike Kobe IV Protros.
The Nike Kobe 6s and the Nike KD 16s are super popular among NBA players. They are the top two most assisted in sneakers in the last 30 days. Third in that category is the Nike Sabrina 1s. Fourth is the Nike LeBron XXs, and fifth is the Nike Kobe Vs.
One shoe that we haven’t mentioned yet that shows up high in one of the categories is the Nike Freak 5s. In the last 30 days, those shoes were fifth in total rebounds.
For more data like this, be sure to visit Kix Stats.