Pat Riley hopes Jimmy Butler will extend next summer but isn’t top priority


As we are only days from the beginning of the upcoming NBA campaign, the feel around the Miami camp is optimist as they’ve had a strong preseason so far. Nevertheless, speculation about which player will continue after this year is eating up the fans, especially as no one knows for sure if star Jimmy Butler will extend next summer. 

This is why owner Pat Riley decided to address this situation, while rumor has it that there are potential disagreements over the guard’s renewal. A always, coach Erik Spoelstra has a great foundation on which to build this year’s performances, but will need Jimmy to be at his best if they hope to reach another NBA Finals.

According to the Heat president, a lot of depend on how their All-Star athlete will compete this upcoming season, as he wishes he will remain in South Beach for years to come.  “I wouldn’t want that,” Riley confessed. “He’s going to have the ability to opt and we’re going to have the ability to extend.”

Despite this revelation, he did find the need to clarify this whatever happens, this potential extension is not a top priority for the organization. “I’m trying to get all that thinking out of our heads because it’s living in the present moment and playing basketball,” he explained.

“So if there’s something that’s going to drag me down or him down because of that, then we’re not going to perform at a certain level,” Riley continued, as first we need to play this season before jumping to conclusions. “But I think he’s embraced exactly where he’s at, I think he understands where we’re at.”

Even this summer that has just concluded, a lot of speculation was running around about Butler’s contract renewal, was no agreement was ever reached. “I haven’t had a lot of conversation with Jimmy about it,” Riley assured. “I’ve talked to his agent at times… I don’t have to sit down and have these meetings with (Butler) any more. He’s a very intelligent man.”

As for now, the team owner can only acknowledge that Jimmy has been at the top of his game during preseason. “What I saw last night and what I hope to see in the future this year is somebody that has a chance to lead us to that place where we can play for it,” Pat said about his display during Miami’s 120-111 victory against Atlanta. “That’s all you want.”

Butler recently said the money isn’t important when considering a new extension, all he cares about is playing for a club where he can win titles

Not only Riley was questioned about their star’s potential extension, as the media also pressed on Butler to look for an answer. However, the superstar seemed unfazed and downplayed its importance, simply stating that all he cares is about winning titles in South Beach.

“I’m good. An extension is just a couple of dollars. I’m cool, I’m telling you. I think I’ve made enough. I just want to play basketball,” he told to the press last week. “I’ve gotta prove that I’m a major part of winning, and rightfully so. I’ve done it before, this is no different.”

Coach Spoelstra also shares no concerns about his All-Star’s outcome, as Riley knows exactly what he’s building when shaping the Heat culture. “You’re driven to go you know try to compete for that title that inspires me. This is the kind of workplace I’ve always dreamt about being part of you know where you’re you know coming in every day with a purpose,” Erik shared.

“There’s one goal, singular goal, and you’re inspired every day by somebody, I’ve used this word already, but iconic,” there Heat tactician continued, explaining Pat’s enduring legacy in Miami. “I think that one stat where he’s been involved in 25% of all the finals that have ever happened in this league, that just shows you his competitive spirit.”