For the first time in four years, Eric Lewis has not been chosen as one of the 12 referees to work the NBA Finals

Eric Lewis NBA ref pic

Officiating high-level playoff games is not an easy job and NBA referees don’t get the credit they deserve. Throughout the postseason, refs are chosen based on their performances in the games. That allows the best refs to continue to advance through the playoffs. In the past four postseasons, NBA ref Eric Lewis had worked the NBA Finals. Amid an investigation with Lewis and a Twitter account, he will not be working the NBA Finals this season.

If this investigation had not been taking place, Lewis would almost certainly be working the Finals in 2023. However, he was not chosen as one of the 12 refs this year due to some Tweets surfacing. Allegedly, Lewis was using the Twitter account to defend himself and other officials from online critiques.

It’s still unknown whether it was actually Eric Lewis or someone else running the burner Twitter account. If he is found guilty, the league will have to come up with some form of discipline.

Eric Lewis will not be officiating the NBA Finals for the first time since 2019

This all stems back to a regular season game between the Lakes and Celtics back in late January. Eric Lewis was the crew chief of that particular game and there was controversy on the final play of OT. A blatant foul was not called on Jayson Tatum. Upon further review, it was clear that Tatum fouled LeBron James.

The review did not come until after the games and the Lakers had already lost the game. A pool report was deemed necessary after the game and Lewis had to speak to the press about the missed call. After that game, a Twitter account using the name “Blair Cutcliff”.

Fans around the league caught on to this burner account that was defending Lewis and other refs in the league. Certain people think this was Eric Lewis’ burner account that got exposed. All this has opened an investigation and that is why Lweis is unable to work the Finals this season.