2012-13 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $4,286,900 $4,479,800 $4,672,700 26.1% 30.0%
2 $3,835,600 $4,008,200 $4,180,800 26.2% 30.5%
3 $3,444,400 $3,599,400 $3,754,400 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,105,500 $3,245,200 $3,385,000 26.5% 31.9%
5 $2,812,200 $2,938,700 $3,065,300 26.7% 32.6%
6 $2,554,200 $2,669,100 $2,784,100 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,331,700 $2,436,600 $2,541,600 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,136,100 $2,232,200 $2,328,300 27.2% 34.8%
9 $1,963,600 $2,052,000 $2,140,300 27.4% 35.5%
10 $1,865,300 $1,949,200 $2,033,200 27.5% 36.2%
11 $1,772,100 $1,851,800 $1,931,600 32.7% 36.9%
12 $1,683,500 $1,759,300 $1,835,000 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,599,300 $1,671,300 $1,743,200 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,519,400 $1,587,800 $1,656,100 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,443,300 $1,508,200 $1,573,200 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,371,200 $1,432,900 $1,494,600 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,302,600 $1,361,200 $1,419,800 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,237,500 $1,293,200 $1,348,900 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,181,800 $1,235,000 $1,288,200 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,134,500 $1,185,600 $1,236,600 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,089,100 $1,138,100 $1,187,100 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,045,600 $1,092,700 $1,139,700 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,003,800 $1,049,000 $1,094,100 69.7% 45.5%
24 $963,600 $1,007,000 $1,050,300 74.9% 46.2%
25 $925,100 $966,700 $1,008,400 80.1% 46.9%
26 $894,400 $934,600 $974,900 80.3% 47.6%
27 $868,600 $907,700 $946,800 80.4% 48.3%
28 $863,300 $902,100 $941,000 80.5% 49.0%
29 $857,000 $895,600 $934,100 80.5% 50.0%
30 $850,800 $889,100 $927,400 80.5% 50.0%


2013-14 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $4,436,900 $4,636,600 $4,836,300 26.1% 30.0%
2 $3,969,800 $4,148,500 $4,327,100 26.2% 30.5%
3 $3,565,000 $3,725,400 $3,885,800 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,214,200 $3,358,800 $3,503,500 26.5% 31.9%
5 $2,910,600 $3,041,600 $3,172,600 26.7% 32.6%
6 $2,643,600 $2,762,600 $2,881,500 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,413,300 $2,521,900 $2,630,500 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,210,900 $2,310,400 $2,409,800 27.2% 34.8%
9 $2,032,300 $2,123,800 $2,215,200 27.4% 35.5%
10 $1,930,600 $2,017,500 $2,104,300 27.5% 36.2%
11 $1,834,100 $1,916,700 $1,999,200 32.7% 36.9%
12 $1,742,400 $1,820,800 $1,899,200 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,655,300 $1,729,800 $1,804,300 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,572,600 $1,643,300 $1,714,100 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,493,800 $1,561,000 $1,628,300 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,419,200 $1,483,100 $1,546,900 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,348,200 $1,408,900 $1,469,500 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,280,800 $1,338,400 $1,396,100 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,223,200 $1,278,200 $1,333,200 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,174,200 $1,227,000 $1,279,900 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,127,200 $1,177,900 $1,228,700 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,082,200 $1,130,900 $1,179,600 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,038,900 $1,085,700 $1,132,400 69.7% 45.5%
24 $997,300 $1,042,200 $1,087,100 74.9% 46.2%
25 $957,500 $1,000,600 $1,043,700 80.1% 46.9%
26 $925,700 $967,400 $1,009,000 80.3% 47.6%
27 $899,000 $939,500 $979,900 80.4% 48.3%
28 $893,500 $933,700 $973,900 80.5% 49.0%
29 $887,000 $926,900 $966,800 80.5% 50.0%
30 $880,600 $920,200 $959,800 80.5% 50.0%


2014-15 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $4,592,200 $4,798,900 $5,005,500 26.1% 30.0%
2 $4,108,800 $4,293,700 $4,478,600 26.2% 30.5%
3 $3,689,700 $3,855,800 $4,021,800 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,326,700 $3,476,400 $3,626,100 26.5% 31.9%
5 $3,012,500 $3,148,100 $3,283,600 26.7% 32.6%
6 $2,736,100 $2,859,200 $2,982,400 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,497,800 $2,610,200 $2,722,600 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,288,200 $2,391,200 $2,494,200 27.2% 34.8%
9 $2,103,500 $2,198,100 $2,292,800 27.4% 35.5%
10 $1,998,200 $2,088,100 $2,178,000 27.5% 36.2%
11 $1,898,300 $1,983,700 $2,069,200 32.7% 36.9%
12 $1,803,400 $1,884,600 $1,965,700 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,713,200 $1,790,300 $1,867,400 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,627,600 $1,700,900 $1,774,100 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,546,100 $1,615,700 $1,685,200 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,468,900 $1,535,000 $1,601,100 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,395,400 $1,458,200 $1,521,000 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,325,600 $1,385,300 $1,444,900 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,266,000 $1,322,900 $1,379,900 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,215,300 $1,270,000 $1,324,700 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,166,700 $1,219,200 $1,271,700 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,120,100 $1,170,500 $1,220,900 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,075,300 $1,123,700 $1,172,100 69.7% 45.5%
24 $1,032,200 $1,078,700 $1,125,100 74.9% 46.2%
25 $991,000 $1,035,600 $1,080,200 80.1% 46.9%
26 $958,100 $1,001,200 $1,044,300 80.3% 47.6%
27 $930,500 $972,300 $1,014,200 80.4% 48.3%
28 $924,800 $966,400 $1,008,000 80.5% 49.0%
29 $918,000 $959,400 $1,000,700 80.5% 50.0%
30 $911,400 $952,400 $993,400 80.5% 50.0%


2015-16 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $4,753,000 $4,966,800 $5,180,700 26.1% 30.0%
2 $4,252,600 $4,444,000 $4,635,300 26.2% 30.5%
3 $3,818,900 $3,990,700 $4,162,600 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,443,100 $3,598,100 $3,753,000 26.5% 31.9%
5 $3,117,900 $3,258,200 $3,398,600 26.7% 32.6%
6 $2,831,900 $2,959,300 $3,086,800 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,585,200 $2,701,500 $2,817,900 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,368,300 $2,474,900 $2,581,500 27.2% 34.8%
9 $2,177,100 $2,275,000 $2,373,000 27.4% 35.5%
10 $2,068,100 $2,161,200 $2,254,200 27.5% 36.2%
11 $1,964,800 $2,053,200 $2,141,600 32.7% 36.9%
12 $1,866,500 $1,950,500 $2,034,500 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,773,200 $1,853,000 $1,932,800 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,684,600 $1,760,400 $1,836,200 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,600,200 $1,672,200 $1,744,200 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,520,300 $1,588,700 $1,657,100 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,444,200 $1,509,200 $1,574,200 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,372,000 $1,433,800 $1,495,500 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,310,300 $1,369,200 $1,428,200 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,257,800 $1,314,400 $1,371,000 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,207,500 $1,261,800 $1,316,200 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,159,300 $1,211,400 $1,263,600 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,112,900 $1,163,000 $1,213,100 69.7% 45.5%
24 $1,068,400 $1,116,400 $1,164,500 74.9% 46.2%
25 $1,025,700 $1,071,800 $1,118,000 80.1% 46.9%
26 $991,600 $1,036,300 $1,080,900 80.3% 47.6%
27 $963,000 $1,006,400 $1,049,700 80.4% 48.3%
28 $957,200 $1,000,200 $1,043,300 80.5% 49.0%
29 $950,200 $992,900 $1,035,700 80.5% 50.0%
30 $943,300 $985,700 $1,028,200 80.5% 50.0%


2016-17 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $4,919,300 $5,140,700 $5,362,100 26.1% 30.0%
2 $4,401,400 $4,599,500 $4,797,600 26.2% 30.5%
3 $3,952,500 $4,130,400 $4,308,300 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,563,600 $3,724,000 $3,884,400 26.5% 31.9%
5 $3,227,100 $3,372,300 $3,517,500 26.7% 32.6%
6 $2,931,000 $3,062,900 $3,194,800 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,675,700 $2,796,100 $2,916,500 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,451,200 $2,561,500 $2,671,800 27.2% 34.8%
9 $2,253,300 $2,354,700 $2,456,100 27.4% 35.5%
10 $2,140,500 $2,236,800 $2,333,100 27.5% 36.2%
11 $2,033,500 $2,125,000 $2,216,500 32.7% 36.9%
12 $1,931,900 $2,018,800 $2,105,700 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,835,200 $1,917,800 $2,000,400 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,743,500 $1,822,000 $1,900,500 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,656,200 $1,730,700 $1,805,300 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,573,500 $1,644,300 $1,715,100 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,494,800 $1,562,000 $1,629,300 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,420,100 $1,484,000 $1,547,900 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,356,100 $1,417,200 $1,478,200 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,301,900 $1,360,400 $1,419,000 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,249,800 $1,306,000 $1,362,200 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,199,900 $1,253,800 $1,307,800 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,151,900 $1,203,700 $1,255,600 69.7% 45.5%
24 $1,105,800 $1,155,500 $1,205,300 74.9% 46.2%
25 $1,061,600 $1,109,300 $1,157,100 80.1% 46.9%
26 $1,026,300 $1,072,500 $1,118,700 80.3% 47.6%
27 $996,700 $1,041,600 $1,086,400 80.4% 48.3%
28 $990,700 $1,035,200 $1,079,800 80.5% 49.0%
29 $983,400 $1,027,700 $1,071,900 80.5% 50.0%
30 $976,300 $1,020,200 $1,064,200 80.5% 50.0%


2017-18 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $5,091,500 $5,320,600 $5,549,700 26.1% 30.0%
2 $4,555,500 $4,760,500 $4,965,500 26.2% 30.5%
3 $4,090,900 $4,275,000 $4,459,000 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,688,400 $3,854,300 $4,020,300 26.5% 31.9%
5 $3,340,000 $3,490,300 $3,640,600 26.7% 32.6%
6 $3,033,600 $3,170,100 $3,306,600 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,769,300 $2,893,900 $3,018,600 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,537,000 $2,651,200 $2,765,300 27.2% 34.8%
9 $2,332,100 $2,437,100 $2,542,000 27.4% 35.5%
10 $2,215,400 $2,315,100 $2,414,800 27.5% 36.2%
11 $2,104,700 $2,199,400 $2,294,100 32.7% 36.9%
12 $1,999,500 $2,089,400 $2,179,400 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,899,500 $1,984,900 $2,070,400 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,804,600 $1,885,800 $1,967,000 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,714,200 $1,791,300 $1,868,500 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,628,600 $1,701,800 $1,775,100 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,547,100 $1,616,700 $1,686,300 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,469,800 $1,535,900 $1,602,000 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,403,600 $1,466,800 $1,529,900 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,347,400 $1,408,100 $1,468,700 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,293,500 $1,351,700 $1,409,900 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,241,800 $1,297,700 $1,353,600 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,192,200 $1,245,800 $1,299,500 69.7% 45.5%
24 $1,144,500 $1,196,000 $1,247,500 74.9% 46.2%
25 $1,098,700 $1,148,200 $1,197,600 80.1% 46.9%
26 $1,062,300 $1,110,100 $1,157,900 80.3% 47.6%
27 $1,031,600 $1,078,000 $1,124,500 80.4% 48.3%
28 $1,025,300 $1,071,500 $1,117,600 80.5% 49.0%
29 $1,017,800 $1,063,700 $1,109,500 80.5% 50.0%
30 $1,010,500 $1,056,000 $1,101,400 80.5% 50.0%


2018-19 NBA Rookie Scale

Pick First Year Salary Second Year Salary Third Year Salary (team option) Fourth Year (team option – percentage raise over 3rd year) Qualifying Offer (percentage raise over 4th year)
1 $5,269,700 $5,506,800 $5,744,000 26.1% 30.0%
2 $4,714,900 $4,927,100 $5,139,300 26.2% 30.5%
3 $4,234,000 $4,424,600 $4,615,100 26.4% 31.2%
4 $3,817,500 $3,989,200 $4,161,000 26.5% 31.9%
5 $3,456,900 $3,612,500 $3,768,000 26.7% 32.6%
6 $3,139,800 $3,281,100 $3,422,300 26.8% 33.4%
7 $2,866,300 $2,995,200 $3,124,200 27.0% 34.1%
8 $2,625,800 $2,744,000 $2,862,100 27.2% 34.8%
9 $2,413,800 $2,522,400 $2,631,000 27.4% 35.5%
10 $2,292,900 $2,396,100 $2,499,300 27.5% 36.2%
11 $2,178,400 $2,276,400 $2,374,400 32.7% 36.9%
12 $2,069,500 $2,162,600 $2,255,700 37.8% 37.6%
13 $1,965,900 $2,054,400 $2,142,900 42.9% 38.3%
14 $1,867,700 $1,951,800 $2,035,800 48.1% 39.1%
15 $1,774,200 $1,854,000 $1,933,900 53.3% 39.8%
16 $1,685,600 $1,761,400 $1,837,300 53.4% 40.5%
17 $1,601,200 $1,673,300 $1,745,300 53.6% 41.2%
18 $1,521,200 $1,589,700 $1,658,100 53.8% 41.9%
19 $1,452,700 $1,518,100 $1,583,500 54.0% 42.6%
20 $1,394,600 $1,457,300 $1,520,100 54.2% 43.3%
21 $1,338,800 $1,399,000 $1,459,300 59.3% 44.1%
22 $1,285,300 $1,343,100 $1,401,000 64.5% 44.8%
23 $1,233,900 $1,289,500 $1,345,000 69.7% 45.5%
24 $1,184,500 $1,237,800 $1,291,100 74.9% 46.2%
25 $1,137,200 $1,188,400 $1,239,500 80.1% 46.9%
26 $1,099,400 $1,148,900 $1,198,400 80.3% 47.6%
27 $1,067,700 $1,115,800 $1,163,800 80.4% 48.3%
28 $1,061,200 $1,109,000 $1,156,700 80.5% 49.0%
29 $1,053,500 $1,100,900 $1,148,300 80.5% 50.0%
30 $1,045,900 $1,092,900 $1,140,000 80.5% 50.0%
Author photo
Jeff Hawkins
Sports Editor

Jeff Hawkins is an award-winning sportswriter with more than four decades in the industry (print and digital media). A freelance writer/stay-at-home dad since 2008, Hawkins started his career with newspaper stints in Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, Upstate New York and Illinois, where he earned the 2004 APSE first-place award for column writing (under 40,000 circulation). As a beat writer, he covered NASCAR Winston Cup events at NHIS (1999-2003), the NHL's Chicago Blackhawks (2003-06) and the NFL's Carolina Panthers (2011-12). Hawkins penned four youth sports books, including a Michael Jordan biography. Hawkins' main hobbies include mountain bike riding, 5k trail runs at the Whitewater Center in Charlotte, N.C., and live music.

All posts by Jeff Hawkins
Author photo
Jeff Hawkins Sports Editor

Jeff Hawkins is an award-winning sportswriter with more than four decades in the industry (print and digital media). A freelance writer/stay-at-home dad since 2008, Hawkins started his career with newspaper stints in Michigan, North Carolina, Florida, Upstate New York and Illinois, where he earned the 2004 APSE first-place award for column writing (under 40,000 circulation). As a beat writer, he covered NASCAR Winston Cup events at NHIS (1999-2003), the NHL's Chicago Blackhawks (2003-06) and the NFL's Carolina Panthers (2011-12). Hawkins penned four youth sports books, including a Michael Jordan biography. Hawkins' main hobbies include mountain bike riding, 5k trail runs at the Whitewater Center in Charlotte, N.C., and live music.

All posts by Jeff Hawkins